St Francis Xavier’s Primary School, Belmont, is a Catholic faith community that values and celebrates the dignity and uniqueness of the individual.

Our educational focus is based on Gospel values embedded in an inclusive, nurturing environment that encourages everyone to shine the light of Christ in the world.

  • We promote the active partnership of home, school and parish in the shared responsibility of educating the whole child
  • We celebrate our faith traditions, prayer life and actively bear witness to the Gospel
  • We embrace the dynamic nature of education
  • We provide quality education in a challenging, nurturing environment that caters for and respects the unique needs of each child
  • We provide education that helps develop values that will enable individuals to contribute positively to the wider community.

School Motto

'Let your light shine'

Vision Statement

A Catholic community called through the light of Christ to learn, love and serve.

Mission Statement

At St Francis Xavier's Belmont our mission is to:


Nurture the growth of the whole child

Strive for excellence through quality education 

Respond tothe needs of all


Be part of a Christ-centred Catholic community 

Value faith, respect and dignity 

Encourage positive relationships and celebrate diversity


Demostrate faith in action through social justice

Be commited steward of creation 

Develop active community partnerships